Sunday, October 4, 2009

Korzybski and Jung? The Typealyzer

Thumbs up to Mattias Ostmar, who describes himself as a "Musician, blogger, INTP, psychographer, web guy." He made use of korzybskian understandings while developing a web-based tool based on Jung's and others' work on psychological types. His interesting post on this tool which he calls the "Typealyzer" shows some sharp insight into what Korzybski was up to. He understands what Korzybski intended with the term 'general semantics'. Check out his post A Few Basic Thoughts and Concepts Behind the Typealyzer Meanwhile, I'm going to check out the Typealyzer.


Mattias Östmar said...

Thank you very much for those kind words! I am very new to Korzybski´s ideas, but I strongly feel that he made a MAJOR contribution to the understanding of mind and conciousness. I guess that his ideas will have a revival the coming years and would love to see that happen!

Bruce Kodish said...

You're welcome, Mattias.

Recognizing Korzybski's importance shows you're 'a sharp cookie' as we say in 1950's style U.S. slang.

I particularly like how you've already used (despite their newness to you) korzybskian insights to deepen your formulating-developing of Jungian types with your web tool. It shows the general usefulness of the korzybskian formulations in a thinker's toolbox.

Let's hope there's a Korzybski revival and a revival of other great thinkers as well who sought to promote better thinking-feeling-communicating-understanding-living. Our planet needs a lot more better thinking right now by as many of us as possible.

I've had a long-time interest in Jung and psychological types and the Myers-Briggs, et al, extensions of these. I consider them among important thinking-feeling-living tools that I mentioned above. I hope your Typealyzer will promote more interest in these.